About Us
Herb & Diane bishop
Through their vision and leadership, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, Herb & Diane Bishop have led Kingdom Builders to establish the work of the Kingdom of God in the lives of His people. They are also the founders of Family Restoration Center, a 501(c)3 organization that keeps the establishment of Kingdom centered families at its heart. It has been their desire to coach the community through faith-driven teaching to multiply their resources, income, and impact, through Kingdom influence within the seven mountains of society influence.
Herb’s career began as a full-time Spiritual care and Bereavement Coordinator as well as Pastoring a COTR campus in Butler, Missouri. He saw firsthand the need for leaders to impact their spheres of influence through marketplace ventures focused that find needs and meet them, find hurts and heal them. This creates profit to support other impact ventures that equip the body of Christ to come into the fulness of who God says they are. He began pastoring in Michigan in 2015 and has striven to build teams to support Kingdom influence.
Diane uses her teaching gift to inspire the Body of Christ to take next steps in the walk of intimacy with King Jesus. She is called to intercession and seeks to teach God's people to ascend by faith always into His presence, hear and release decrees upon the earth, keeping the
Kingdom of God as their focus.
Herb & Diane have a growing audience that are what they call "the bride company", the ecclesia (called out ones), whom God is preparing to do exploits in His name. They are the host of the Kingdom Living podcast. Their social media accounts receive many views every day and they have spoken before groups strengthening the Body of Christ.

Our Story
We met when we were teens attending a denominational church. We were 12 and 13 and someday you may hear the full story if you stick around. Suffice it to say, it involved...



Meet The Team
Herb & Diane Bishop, Founders
Ken & Lori Schwaegerle, Official Board
Elizabeth Jones, Official Board