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Writer's pictureHerb

Christ’s Gift Of Newness

When I read 2 Corinthians 5:17, I am reminded of the profound transformation that has taken place in my life as a citizen of God’s Kingdom.

“If anyone is in Christ” speaks directly to my identity. Being “in Christ” means I am no longer defined by my past, my failures, or even the world’s expectations. It’s not just about believing in Jesus—it’s about living in complete union with Him, fully immersed in His death and resurrection. I belong to Him, and my life now reflects His rule and reign.

“The new creation has come” tells me that I am no longer the same person I used to be. God has done something miraculous in me. He didn’t just clean me up or fix a few broken pieces—He made me completely new. I’m no longer known by my addictions, my struggles, or the labels the world gave me. Instead, I am defined by my freedom in Christ. Where there was bondage, there is now liberty; where there was shame, there is now joy. I see myself as God sees me: His beloved child, restored to His original design.

“The old has gone” is my declaration of victory. The shame, guilt, and brokenness of my old life no longer have any hold on me. The power of sin and the influence of this world’s systems have been defeated in my life. I’ve left behind the chains of addiction, fear, and striving that once defined me. My old ways of thinking and living are gone, replaced by the peace and power of Christ.

“The new is here” reminds me to live in the present reality of God’s Kingdom. This isn’t just about a promise for the future—it’s about living a transformed life right now. The Holy Spirit lives in me, empowering me to love, to serve, and to reflect the heart of my King. I am seated with Christ in heavenly places, and I carry His authority wherever I go.

I love this verse! It reminds me that my old life, bound by addiction and shame, is gone. In Christ, I am a completely new creation, no longer marked by my struggles but by my freedom. I live, not for myself, but as a reflection of His Kingdom, bringing His light and liberation into every corner of my life!

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