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Moral Relativity: It’s “Did God Really Say,” on Steroids!

Writer's picture: Herb  Herb

Moral relativity has become a hallmark of modern society, where the concept of objective truth and absolute morality is increasingly being questioned or outright rejected. This philosophy contends that what is “right” or “wrong” is subjective and varies according to personal, cultural, or societal norms. Instead of a universal moral code, moral relativism promotes the idea that individuals are free to determine their own ethical standards, leading to the dangerous notion that each person can do what seems right in their own eyes. As we observe the ramifications of this belief in today’s culture, it becomes evident that moral relativism poses a profound threat to societal order, unity, and the foundational principles established by God.

The Original Lie: “Did God Really Say?”

The concept of moral relativity finds its roots in the very first deception recorded in the Bible. In Genesis 3, Satan’s subtle yet profound question to Eve, “Did God really say?” (Genesis 3:1), planted the seed of doubt and opened the door to moral relativism. By challenging the clear command of God, Satan shifted the authority of morality from God’s absolute truth to human reasoning. Eve, swayed by the serpent’s manipulation, ate the fruit of the forbidden tree, making a decision based on what seemed desirable in her own eyes.

This moment in the Garden of Eden serves as the foundation for moral relativism—questioning the authority of God’s word and prioritizing human judgment over divine instruction. When we question God’s clear moral standards, we are left with a shifting moral landscape where the boundaries between right and wrong become increasingly blurred.

The Chaos of Relativity: “Each Man Does What Is Right in His Own Eyes”

The consequences of moral relativity are vividly illustrated in the book of Judges. During this period of Israel’s history, there was no centralized leadership, and Scripture records a devastating refrain: “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit” (Judges 21:25, NIV). This description encapsulates the essence of moral relativism—a society in which there is no higher authority, and each individual is left to determine their own path.

Judges narrates a series of events that illustrate the moral and societal breakdown that results when people abandon God’s standard and follow their own subjective morality. From idolatry to civil war, Israel was plunged into chaos because there was no unifying standard of right and wrong. The result was societal collapse, marked by violence, confusion, and widespread corruption.

The book of Judges serves as a warning for modern times. When a society rejects God’s moral law, it is not long before it falls into disarray. The notion that morality can be fluid and individualized may sound liberating on the surface, but in practice, it leads to instability, conflict, and destruction. Without a shared foundation of truth, a society cannot stand.

The Fruit of Relativity: Confusion and Division

One of the most insidious effects of moral relativism is the confusion it brings to the concept of truth. In a relativistic society, truth becomes subjective, and objective facts are replaced with personal opinions. This is particularly evident in contemporary debates around issues of gender, sexuality, life, and freedom of speech. When society accepts that truth is relative, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to agree on fundamental realities.

This relativistic mindset also leads to deep societal divisions. Without a common moral framework, individuals and groups develop conflicting worldviews that make peaceful coexistence challenging. What one group sees as an undeniable right, another sees as a grievous wrong. We can see this playing out in polarized political landscapes where compromise becomes difficult because there is no longer a shared understanding of what is good, right, or just.

James 3:16 warns us, “For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice” (ESV). When people are driven by personal ambition and self-interest rather than a commitment to God’s moral order, disorder ensues. This is precisely what we see in societies where moral relativity reigns—an ever-increasing lack of order, unity, and peace.

The Danger of Ignoring God’s Word

Moral relativism directly challenges the authority of God’s word. Proverbs 14:12 reminds us, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death” (ESV). Human reasoning, disconnected from God’s absolute truth, is flawed and leads to destruction. This verse highlights the danger of relying on our own moral compass rather than submitting to God’s wisdom.

The prophet Isaiah also speaks to the dangers of moral confusion, saying, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness” (Isaiah 5:20, ESV). In a relativistic society, this inversion of morality becomes commonplace. Acts that once were considered evil are now celebrated, and virtues once cherished are now scorned. Such moral inversion only accelerates societal decline, as people lose their capacity to discern truth from falsehood and right from wrong.

God’s Absolute Standard: The Anchor for Society

In contrast to the shifting sands of moral relativity, God’s word provides a steadfast foundation for truth and righteousness. Psalm 119:105 declares, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (ESV). God’s moral law illuminates the way forward, offering clarity and guidance in a world clouded by confusion and moral ambiguity.

The apostle Paul writes in Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (NIV). In a world where the prevailing cultural pattern is moral relativism, followers of Christ are called to renew their minds according to the truth of God’s word. Instead of being swayed by the changing tides of public opinion, believers are to hold fast to the eternal truth of Scripture, which provides a clear and unwavering moral standard.

The Call to Return to God’s Morality

Moral relativism is not a new phenomenon, but its consequences are as destructive now as they were in ancient times. The question that Satan posed to Eve in the Garden, “Did God really say?” continues to echo through our culture today, undermining the authority of God’s word and leading many astray. As Christians, we are called to reject this relativistic mindset and instead align our lives with God’s absolute truth.

In a world where everyone does what is right in their own eyes, chaos and confusion abound. But when we return to the authority of God’s word and live according to His unchanging moral standards, we find peace, stability, and the true foundation for a just and flourishing society.

Let us not be deceived by the allure of moral relativism. Instead, let us hold fast to the truth of Scripture, allowing it to shape our lives, our communities, and our culture for the glory of God.

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